Committed to Powering Inclusive Economies

New Growth Innovation Network (NGIN) is a national nonprofit focused on advancing inclusive economic development to ensure that economically disenfranchised individuals and communities can lead, shape and benefit from regional economic growth and prosperity. 

What is inclusive economic development?

Inclusive economic development is different than traditional models, in that it identifies opportunities for economic growth, values community and invests in hidden assets, and builds shared prosperity for historically economically excluded individuals and communities.

What’s New at NGIN

Experience the Ultimate Guide to Inclusive Tech

NGIN has worked with tech ecosystems across the US to develop 5 key strategies to make tech equity a reality in our newest report, Tech Equity In Action.

Authored by NGIN Advisor, Mari Kate Mycek Ph.D, this report provides best practices for inclusive tech-based economic development (TBED), emphasizing processes and outcomes that support diverse participation in the economy.

Get inspired—download the report and worksheets, and check out the dynamic animated video now!

Featured Initiatives

Empowering Leaders and Building Inclusive Economies with L.E.A.P.

Introducing L.E.A.P. (Learn. Explore. Activate. In Place) – an innovative initiative empowering community and economic leaders. Through fully funded journeys, participants immerse in inclusive economic growth models. Experience firsthand NGIN's trip to Tulsa, OK, with delegates from Newark, NJ, in this engaging video. This work was funded through the generous contributions of Prudential Financial.


The Cityscapes Summit

More than 400 economic and community leaders joined us at the NGIN Cityscapes Summit 2024 in Durham, NC. Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this biennial event offers a unique blend of insights and strategies for inclusive economic development in Small and Midsized Cities (SMCs), along with dynamic networking opportunities.

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At New Growth Innovation Network, we believe in staying informed with the latest practices of inclusive economic growth. If you want to stay up to date with developing initiatives, innovative projects, useful tools, and chances to collaborate, our bi-weekly Get Active with NGIN newsletter is the resource for you!